Enclosed Trailer Renovation
Phoenix, AZ – 2021
The process behind coating your trailer can be very simple but the results go a long way. Coating your trailer not only makes your trailer look much better but can help increase the trailer’s longevity. A trailer floor gets exposed to a lot of different elements that can damage your trailer or eventually wear it out, but our epoxy and polyaspartic coating are great for protecting your trailer floor against possible chemical spills. Furthermore, the epoxy and polyaspartic coating also protect the trailer floor from abrasion when moving or sliding things around your trailer. An additional benefit of coating your trailer is an improved return on investment (ROI) coating your trailer can make it look brand new and increase your ROI.
This trailer belongs to a Phoenix, AZ local coating and painting contractor, their trailer has seen a lot of wear and damage. The inside of the trailer had water-damaged wood that was splintering and breaking off. This overall looked like an old used trailer that was on its way out. This customer repainted the outside of their trailer in black automotive paint and coated the inside of their trailer in our epoxy coating with tuxedo chips.
The customer DIY’ed their trailer themselves and the results are great. The splintered wood is now protected by the epoxy coating, this will allow the trailer to be used for many more years to come. Not to mention that the trailer looks brand new, you can’t tell that the two are the same trailer.